We offer separation and divorce counselling for families and parents in crisis and struggling to find ways to manage during this period of transition. We also offer co-parenting counselling and play based therapy to children who’s parents are separating or are in high conflict. We also offer mediation services for parents looking to minimize their
Issues we can help with:
- Planning for separation
- How to talk to kids about your separation
- Court and ADR consultations
- Mediating separation and parenting agreements
- Parenting plans
- Managing finances
- Co-parenting counselling, addressing current parenting issues, and planning for the future
- Special needs children and families
- Dealing with guilt, shame, and anger
- Adjusting to changes and transitions
- Moving forward
- Working with new partners and step-families
- Email communication management
Want to know more or have questions? Contact us at 506-346-2655, or at jhill@ontariocoparentingcentre.com