About Us
The Ontario Co-Parenting Centre is the sister site to Southern Ontario Counselling Services.
OCPC was initially developed in response to the lack of children’s counselling and services for parents involved in family court. When we began working with families in St. Thomas, Ontario in 2016, we quickly realized that few services providers wanted to be involved in helping kids or parents if there was court involvement. When we dug a little deeper, we learned that therapists, agencies, and counsellors didn’t want to “take the risk” of having to find themselves testifying in a custody trial.
We get it. Not everyone is comfortable with conflict or court involvement. But we are. And we’re committed to working with parents and children at every stage of the process.
Whether you’re beginning to realize that separation is about to happen or you and the other parent have been fighting for years, or you’re worried about how the kids are coping. We can help and, more importantly, we’re not scared to.
While we originally provided services to families in the London and St. Thomas area, we are now able to provide services throughout Ontario using our secure platform for virtual sessions.
In addition to working with families directly, we also provide training, consulting, and supervision to practitioners who would like to increase their skills in working with custody access (now known as parenting time and decision making) issues, estrangement and parental alienation, and high conflict parental relationships.

We firmly believe this is the most valuable work you can do with with families in crisis and we want to help.

You’re ex is not just your ex. He or she is your business partner in the business of raising happy, secure children in separate homes.
Jenna Hill

Contact us at jhill@ontariocoparentingcentre.com